October 31st is when Halloween comes, all the spooky monsters, ghosts, werewolves and zombies come alive. This year in EFIC we had something special planned.
This year from CP to CM2 (1st grade to 5th grade), we could go trick or treating through all the classes which participated. Then when we finished, there were 5 games to play.
First we went trick or treating through each other’s classes. We had little blue boxes that we needed to construct ourselves. And then, of course, we got a lot of candy! When we finished, we went to the playground. There were 6 stands (5 stalls outside and 1 game in the canteen)
The 1st game was Bobbing for Apples: the
rules were easy; you needed to catch half of the apple with your teeth and could not use your hands. But there was a twist, it was in a bucket of water and it was
almost impossible to catch it without getting your face wet so…. Everybody who played it were half wet after finishing. At least they got an apple!
The second game was stick the nose to the Witch: it was one of the most played games, and the one most people liked. It was quite hard because you needed to stick a piece of plastic shaped like a witch’s nose and stick it to the witch. But you needed to do it blindfolded! People walking into walls and laughing were the common actions of this game, but some people actually did it! And they got a candy for it.
The 3rd game was toss the rings on the Witch’s Hat: It sounded quite easy, but, the rings were really small! Even though you stood quite close to it, you had a big
chance of the ring hitting the hat, and inside the hat was a plastic cone so
that it doesn’t just fall down. It was challenging, but some people succeeded!
The 4th game was throw the ping pong ball into the cup full of blood: it sounded quite weird and disgusting after hearing blood but, don’t worry, it was just berry
juice, the game was one of the most yummy because when we successfully threw the ball in the cup , we actually had the cup of juice! And if you get lucky, you got a full cup.
The 5th (kind of ) game was : Mr. Nicolas’s beautiful drawings : it isn’t really a game, you just had to wait a line of like 20 people just to get to choose something
for Mr. Nicolas to draw . but it was so worth it , who knew he draws so well!
The 6th game was : dance with the monster: first , we went to the cantine with spooky music we got to dance and learned some cool dance moves.
-Lisa (CM2)